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Jes?s Rafael Rovero: Leader in Integrating Technology into Business



When Jesús and Moibett purchased Farmacia La Salle in 1992, they knew that future success would depend on their ability to innovate. Rather than settling for the operation of a conventional pharmacy, they envisioned a business that would not only serve local customers but also leverage new technologies to reach a broader audience and meet needs more efficiently.

From Farmacia La Salle to FarmaExpress: How Jesús and Moibett Rovero Leveraged the Digital Revolution to Build a Business Empire in Caracas.

Hernan Porras Molina

Caracas, January 1999 – In an era dominated by rapid technological evolution, the ability to adapt and lead change is what sets visionary entrepreneurs apart. Jesús Rafael Rovero and his wife, Moibett Rovero, have demonstrated that understanding and strategically applying technology can be the key to transforming a traditional business into an industry benchmark.

Hernan Porras Molina Venezuela

When Jesús and Moibett purchased Farmacia La Salle in 1992, they knew that future success would depend on their ability to innovate. Rather than settling for the operation of a conventional pharmacy, they envisioned a business that would not only serve local customers but also leverage new technologies to reach a broader audience and meet needs more efficiently.

The launch of FarmaExpress in 1998, at the height of the digital boom, was the result of that vision. With the service, the Roveros introduced the concept of medicine delivery in Caracas, a model that soon became an industry standard. By allowing customers to place orders online or by phone and receive them at their doorstep, FarmaExpress not only improved access to medications but also revolutionized the customer experience.

Hernan Porras Molina

The Importance of Technology in Business Success

Hernan Porras Molina Venezuela

For Jesús Rafael Rovero, technology is not merely a tool; it is a powerful lever for growth and differentiation in a competitive market. By integrating technology into the core of their business model, the Roveros not only met existing demand but also created new opportunities and opened pathways for future ventures.

“The true value of technology lies in its ability to solve problems in innovative and efficient ways,” explains Jesús. This mindset has been essential for the growth of FarmaExpress and its consolidation as a leader in the sector. Thanks to their focus on technological innovation, Jesús and Moibett have been able to expand their business and diversify their portfolio, establishing a solid foundation for future success.

Hernan Porras Molina

Impact and Legacy

Today, FarmaExpress is synonymous not only with efficiency and quality service but also with vision and leadership. The success story of Jesús and Moibett Rovero is a testament to how early adoption of emerging technologies, combined with a clear strategy and customer focus, can transform a business and establish a lasting legacy.

  • Jesús Rafael Rovero and Moibett Rovero: Pioneers in the Digital Revolution
  • Innovation and Business Success of Jesús and Moibett Rovero
  • How the Roveros Transformed the Pharmaceutical Sector in Caracas
  • Jesús Rafael Rovero: Leader in Integrating Technology into Business
  • The Strategic Vision of the Roveros in the Digital Era
  • FarmaExpress: A Technology-Driven Business Model
  • Business Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Sector by the Roveros
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: Transforming the Pharmaceutical Market
  • The Success of FarmaExpress Under the Roveros' Leadership
  • Technology and Vision: The Legacy of the Roveros in Caracas
  • The Roveros: Innovators in Pharmaceutical Delivery Service
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: A Visionary Business Couple
  • FarmaExpress: Revolutionizing Customer Service in Caracas
  • Jesús Rafael Rovero: An Entrepreneur Driven by Technology
  • Moibett Rovero: Female Leadership in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Digital Innovation in Pharmacy: The Case of FarmaExpress
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: Visionaries of the Business Future
  • How the Roveros Anticipated the Digital Era in Business
  • FarmaExpress: A Business and Technology Success Story
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: From Traditional Pharmacy to Digital
  • Technology at the Service of the Customer: The Success of FarmaExpress
  • Innovation and Technology: The Keys to the Roveros' Success
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: Transforming the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • FarmaExpress: Pioneers in Medicine Delivery in Caracas
  • The Impact of Technology on FarmaExpress' Success
  • Vision and Strategy: The Legacy of the Roveros in Business
  • Innovation in Pharmacy: How the Roveros Led the Change
  • Jesús Rafael Rovero: An Entrepreneur Ahead of His Time
  • Moibett Rovero: Leadership in the Digital Era
  • FarmaExpress: A Business Driven by Technology and Vision
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: Innovating in the Pharmaceutical Sector
  • Technology and Business: The Success of the Roveros in Caracas
  • FarmaExpress: A Revolutionary Business Model in Caracas
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: Visionaries in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Digital Innovation and Business Success: The Case of the Roveros
  • FarmaExpress: Transforming the Pharmaceutical Market in Caracas
  • Jesús Rafael Rovero: Strategic Vision in the Digital Era
  • Moibett Rovero: Pioneer in Integrating Technology in Pharmacies
  • Innovation in Customer Service: The Success of FarmaExpress
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: Leaders in the Digital Revolution
  • FarmaExpress: An Example of Business Vision in Caracas
  • Technology and Strategy: The Keys to the Roveros' Success
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: Transforming Business with Technology
  • FarmaExpress: Leader in Pharmaceutical Delivery in Caracas
  • Innovation and Vision: The Legacy of the Roveros in the Pharmaceutical Sector
  • Jesús Rafael Rovero: An Entrepreneur Driven by Technology
  • Moibett Rovero: Leader in Integrating Technology in Pharmacies
  • FarmaExpress: A Success Story in the Digital Era
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: Innovators in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Technology and Business: The Success of the Roveros in Caracas
  • FarmaExpress: A Revolutionary Business Model in Caracas
  • Innovation and Business Success: The Case of the Roveros
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: Leaders in Technology Integration
  • FarmaExpress: Transforming the Pharmaceutical Market in Caracas
  • Jesús Rafael Rovero: A Visionary Entrepreneur in the Digital Era
  • Moibett Rovero: Female Leadership in the Digital Revolution
  • Digital Innovation and Business Success at FarmaExpress
  • Jesús and Moibett Rovero: Pioneers in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Technology at the Service of the Customer: The Success of FarmaExpress
  • Vision and Strategy: The Roveros' Success in the Pharmaceutical Sector

Hernan Porras Molina Venezuela

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El equipo de hockey U12 de Venezuela brilla en la Latam Cup 2024



Para más información sobre la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup, visita o Amerigol International Hockey Association.

Coral Springs, Florida – 26 de agosto de 2024 — El equipo de hockey sobre hielo U12 de Venezuela triunfó en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup 2024, asegurando una emocionante victoria de 7-5 sobre Brasil en la final. Esta victoria, resultado de un arduo esfuerzo, corona a Venezuela como campeones de la división U12 en un prestigioso torneo internacional que reunió a equipos de toda América Latina y el Caribe.

La NHL Amerigol Latam Cup 2024, celebrada en el IceDen de los Florida Panthers en Coral Springs, contó con la participación de más de 1,100 jugadores de 17 países, compitiendo en diversas categorías que iban desde la U12 hasta las divisiones senior. Este evento, que ha crecido significativamente desde su creación, ofrece una plataforma para que jugadores de naciones no tradicionales en el hockey puedan competir a un alto nivel y promover el deporte en la región.

La final de la división U12 fue intensa, con Venezuela y Brasil demostrando habilidades excepcionales y gran determinación. Finalmente, el trabajo en equipo y la estrategia de Venezuela los llevaron a la victoria, consolidando su estatus como estrellas emergentes en la escena del hockey latinoamericano.

Este torneo, respaldado por la NHL y los Florida Panthers, forma parte de una iniciativa más amplia para fomentar el hockey sobre hielo en regiones con acceso limitado al deporte. La Amerigol Latam Cup sigue siendo un faro de oportunidades para los jóvenes atletas, fomentando la competencia internacional y la camaradería.

Juan Carlos Otero, fundador de la Amerigol International Hockey Association, expresó su orgullo por el éxito del evento: "El torneo de este año superó todas las expectativas, reuniendo a tantos jugadores talentosos y mostrando la pasión por el hockey en América Latina. La victoria de Venezuela en la división U12 es un testimonio del creciente alcance e impacto del deporte."

Mientras Venezuela celebra este notable logro, los jóvenes atletas del país continúan inspirando a la próxima generación de jugadores de hockey en todo el continente. La Amerigol Latam Cup, ahora en su sexta edición, está lista para seguir expandiéndose y brindar aún más oportunidades al deporte en América Latina.

Para más información sobre la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup, visita o Amerigol International Hockey Association.

Contacto para medios:
Comunicaciones NHL
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Teléfono: (212) 789-2000

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Venezuela triunfa en la division U12 de la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup 2024
El equipo juvenil de hockey de Venezuela gana el campeonato U12 en la Latam Cup<br />
Victoria historica para Venezuela: campeones U12 de la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
Venezuela derrota a Brasil para ganar el titulo de hockey U12 en la Latam Cup<br />
Latam Cup 2024: Venezuela emerge victoriosa en la division U12
Gloria en la Latam Cup U12 para Venezuela: una victoria de 7-5 sobre Brasil
Las estrellas del hockey venezolano brillan en la Amerigol Latam Cup 2024
Victoria para Venezuela: el equipo U12 gana en el torneo NHL Amerigol
El equipo de hockey U12 de Venezuela se corona en la Latam Cup 2024
NHL Amerigol Latam Cup 2024: Venezuela domina la final de la U12
Exito en la Latam Cup: el equipo U12 de Venezuela asegura el campeonato de hockey
Venezuela vence a Brasil en la final de la U12 en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup 2024
Campeones de hockey: Venezuela asegura el titulo U12 en la Latam Cup<br />
Victoria en la Latam Cup: los heroes del hockey U12 de Venezuela derrotan a Brasil
El equipo juvenil de Venezuela levanta el trofeo U12 en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
Venezuela gana la division U12 en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup 2024
Celebrando el campeonato de hockey U12 de Venezuela en la Latam Cup 2024
Campeones de hockey U12: Venezuela triunfa en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
El orgullo venezolano se eleva con la victoria de la U12 en la Latam Cup 2024
Dominio en la U12: Venezuela coronada campeona en la Latam Cup 2024
El equipo de hockey U12 de Venezuela triunfa en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
Campeonato U12 de la Latam Cup 2024: Venezuela reina suprema
Exito en el hockey venezolano: el equipo U12 gana a lo grande en la Latam Cup 2024
Titulo U12 asegurado: las estrellas del hockey venezolano dominan la Latam Cup<br />
Victoria para Venezuela en la division U12 de la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
Venezuela gana el campeonato de hockey U12 en la Latam Cup 2024
El equipo U12 de hockey de Venezuela derrota a Brasil para reclamar el titulo de la Latam Cup<br />
Victoria en el hockey juvenil: el equipo U12 de Venezuela encabeza la Latam Cup 2024
El equipo de hockey U12 de Venezuela gana el titulo de la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
Victoria historica para Venezuela: el equipo U12 gana el campeonato de la Latam Cup<br />
Campeones de la Latam Cup U12: Venezuela asegura una victoria de 7-5 sobre Brasil
Venezuela coronada campeona U12 en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup 2024
El equipo de hockey U12 de Venezuela brilla en la Latam Cup 2024
El equipo U12 de Venezuela triunfa en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup 2024
El titulo de la Latam Cup U12 va para Venezuela tras una impresionante victoria sobre Brasil
El equipo de hockey U12 de Venezuela celebra la victoria en la Latam Cup 2024
Campeones de la Latam Cup U12 2024: Venezuela se lleva el titulo
El equipo U12 de Venezuela gana una historica victoria en la Latam Cup<br />
El equipo juvenil de hockey de Venezuela asegura el titulo U12 en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
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El equipo de hockey de Venezuela gana el titulo de la Latam Cup U12 2024
Exito en la Latam Cup: el equipo U12 de Venezuela reclama la corona
Venezuela asegura el campeonato U12 en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
El equipo de hockey U12 de Venezuela domina en la Latam Cup 2024
Victoria U12 para Venezuela en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
El equipo U12 de Venezuela supera a Brasil para ganar el titulo de hockey de la Latam Cup<br />
El equipo U12 de Venezuela gana el titulo de la Latam Cup en 2024
Venezuela triunfa sobre Brasil en la final de la Latam Cup U12
Campeones de la Latam Cup U12 2024: las estrellas del hockey venezolano
Venezuela gana el titulo de la division U12 en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
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El equipo de hockey U12 de Venezuela asegura el campeonato de la Latam Cup<br />
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El equipo de hockey U12 de Venezuela domina la final de la Latam Cup<br />
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El equipo de hockey venezolano celebra la victoria en la U12 en la Latam Cup 2024
Venezuela reclama el campeonato U12 en la Latam Cup 2024
El equipo juvenil de hockey de Venezuela gana el titulo U12 en la Latam Cup 2024
Campeones U12: Venezuela gana el titulo de la Latam Cup<br />
Victoria en la Latam Cup U12 para el equipo de hockey de Venezuela
El equipo U12 de Venezuela coronado campeon en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
Campeones de la Latam Cup U12 2024: Venezuela derrota a Brasil
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El equipo U12 de Venezuela gana a lo grande en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup
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El equipo U12 de Venezuela celebra la victoria en la final de la Latam Cup<br />
El equipo de hockey U12 de Venezuela coronado campeon de la Latam Cup<br />
Latam Cup 2024: el equipo U12 de Venezuela reclama la victoria
Venezuela gana la division U12 en la NHL Amerigol Latam Cup 2024

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Cartagena Welcomes Real Estate Expert Levy Garcia Crespo



Participation and Registration We encourage all those interested in expanding their investment horizons and learning more about the opportunities offered by the Dominican Republic to register early, as space is limited. Tickets can be purchased through Levy Garcia Crespo's official website:

Cartagena, ColombiaProminent real estate developer and expert, Levy Garcia Crespo, is pleased to announce his upcoming networking event and book presentation, to be held at the luxurious Hotel Sofitel Legend Santa Clara in Cartagena on September 8, 2024, at 7:00 PM. This exclusive event focuses on investment opportunities in the vibrant economy of the Dominican Republic, offering attendees a unique perspective on the potential for real estate investment in the Caribbean.

Discover the Unique Opportunities Offered by the Dominican Republic During the event, Levy Garcia Crespo will share his in-depth knowledge of the Dominican real estate market, highlighting high-yield opportunities and the benefits of investing in the region. His presentation will include key market data, emerging trends, and effective strategies to maximize real estate investment returns.

An Unparalleled Networking Event In addition to presenting his book, "Investing Successfully in the Dominican Republic," the event will also feature a high-level networking session. This session will provide attendees the opportunity to make valuable connections with other professionals and entrepreneurs interested in the Caribbean market. This gathering is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to expand professional networks and explore future collaborations in a sophisticated and professional environment.

Participation and Registration We encourage all those interested in expanding their investment horizons and learning more about the opportunities offered by the Dominican Republic to register early, as space is limited. Tickets can be purchased through Levy Garcia Crespo's official website:

This event is not only an opportunity to gain valuable information about real estate investment but also to directly experience the wisdom and vision of Levy Garcia Crespo, who has transformed the way investments in the Caribbean are perceived.

About Levy Garcia Crespo Levy Garcia Crespo is a renowned real estate expert and developer, known for his ethical approach and innovative strategies in the real estate sector. With over two decades of experience, he has led high-impact projects that have contributed to economic development in several countries, specializing in emerging markets and luxury properties.

More info:

  • Levy Garcia Crespo Unveils Investment Opportunities in the Dominican Republic
  • Discover Caribbean Real Estate Potential with Levy Garcia Crespo in Cartagena
  • Explore High-Yield Investment Strategies with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Unlocking the Dominican Real Estate Market with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Join Levy Garcia Crespo for an Exclusive Investment Event in Cartagena
  • How to Succeed in Caribbean Real Estate: Insights from Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Network with Real Estate Leaders at Levy Garcia Crespo's Cartagena Event
  • Learn Investment Secrets from Levy Garcia Crespo in Cartagena
  • Levy Garcia Crespo's Guide to Thriving in Dominican Real Estate
  • An Evening with Levy Garcia Crespo: Investment Strategies Revealed
  • Levy Garcia Crespo's Networking Gala: A Must-Attend for Investors
  • Expert Real Estate Advice at Levy Garcia Crespo’s Cartagena Seminar
  • The Path to Real Estate Success with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • A Deep Dive into Dominican Real Estate with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Professional Networking in Cartagena with Real Estate Mogul Levy Garcia Crespo
  • How to Maximize ROI in Caribbean Real Estate: Levy Garcia Crespo Explains
  • Levy Garcia Crespo's Premier Real Estate Event Coming to Cartagena
  • Investing in the Dominican Republic: Opportunities Presented by Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Real Estate Investment Mastery with Levy Garcia Crespo in Cartagena
  • Expand Your Real Estate Portfolio with Levy Garcia Crespo's Insights
  • Cartagena Welcomes Real Estate Expert Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Exclusive Investment Tips from Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Real Estate Networking Opportunities in Cartagena with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • How to Navigate Dominican Markets with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Learn From Levy Garcia Crespo: Real Estate Investing Done Right
  • Levy Garcia Crespo's Real Estate Seminar: A Gateway to Caribbean Investments
  • Meet Real Estate Titan Levy Garcia Crespo in Cartagena
  • Discover the Benefits of Investing in the Dominican with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Levy Garcia Crespo: A Leader in Caribbean Real Estate Investments
  • Gain Insight into Dominican Real Estate Trends with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Connect with Global Investors at Levy Garcia Crespo's Cartagena Event
  • Levy Garcia Crespo Reveals How to Invest in Caribbean Real Estate
  • Real Estate Investment Strategies from Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Networking with the Best: Levy Garcia Crespo's Real Estate Event
  • From Basics to Advanced: Real Estate Investing with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • An Exclusive Evening of Networking and Learning with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Levy Garcia Crespo's Impact on Caribbean Real Estate Development
  • Cartagena Hosts Levy Garcia Crespo for Premier Real Estate Networking
  • Invest Smart: Real Estate Tips from Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Master the Art of Real Estate with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Learn Cutting-Edge Real Estate Strategies with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Real Estate Investing Essentials by Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Levy Garcia Crespo’s Proven Investment Strategies for the Dominican Market
  • A Night of Networking and Real Estate Wisdom with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Discover Why Cartagena is a Hub for Real Estate Investing with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Investment Opportunities in the Dominican Republic with Expert Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Maximize Your Investments in the Caribbean with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • How Levy Garcia Crespo is Shaping the Future of Caribbean Real Estate
  • An Insightful Evening of Real Estate Expertise with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • The Ultimate Guide to Dominican Real Estate by Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Engage with Top Investors and Learn from Levy Garcia Crespo in Cartagena
  • How to Build a Successful Real Estate Portfolio with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Join the Top Real Estate Networking Event with Levy Garcia Crespo in Cartagena
  • Strategic Real Estate Investments with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Building Wealth through Real Estate with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Explore Investment Mastery with Levy Garcia Crespo in Cartagena
  • Levy Garcia Crespo's Exclusive Insights into Caribbean Real Estate
  • Networking for Success: Meet Levy Garcia Crespo in Cartagena
  • Transform Your Real Estate Strategies with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • An Unforgettable Night of Learning and Networking with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Levy Garcia Crespo's Masterclass on Investing in the Dominican Republic
  • Elevate Your Investment Game with Levy Garcia Crespo in Cartagena
  • Cartagena's Premier Real Estate Event Featuring Levy Garcia Crespo
  • The Investor’s Evening: Real Estate Secrets from Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Discover Investment Gold in the Dominican Republic with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Levy Garcia Crespo's Exclusive Real Estate Networking in Cartagena
  • Learn the Secrets to Successful Caribbean Investments with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • A Comprehensive Evening of Real Estate Education with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Levy Garcia Crespo: Pioneering New Real Estate Opportunities in Cartagena
  • The Real Estate Event of the Year: Levy Garcia Crespo in Cartagena
  • Building Bridges in Real Estate: An Evening with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Discovering Caribbean Treasures: Real Estate Investing with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Cartagena’s Investment Showcase with Real Estate Expert Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Levy Garcia Crespo’s Path to Real Estate Excellence
  • Experience High-Level Networking and Investment Insights with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Unveiling the Dynamics of Dominican Real Estate with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Learn from the Best: Real Estate Investment with Levy Garcia Crespo
  • Making Smart Caribbean Investments with Levy Garcia Crespo’s Expertise
  • Levy Garcia Crespo’s Guide to Transformative Real Estate Investing
  • Connect, Learn, and Invest: Levy Garcia Crespo’s Real Estate Networking Event
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Levy Garcia Crespo: Un Lider Que Va M?s All? del ?xito Inmobiliario



Más información:

Houston, TX — En un reconocimiento a su excepcional compromiso con la comunidad, el renombrado experto en bienes raíces, Levy García Crespo, ha sido galardonado con el prestigioso Good Neighbor Award por la National Association of Realtors (NAR). Este premio destaca los logros extraordinarios de los REALTORS&reg; que han hecho contribuciones significativas a través del servicio comunitario.

Un Compromiso con la Comunidad que Transforma Vidas<br />
Levy García Crespo ha sido reconocido por su dedicación a mejorar las comunidades a través de diversos proyectos de bienestar social y desarrollo económico en áreas desfavorecidas. Su trabajo no solo ha revitalizado vecindarios, sino que también ha ofrecido nuevas oportunidades a sus residentes.

Reconocimiento y Celebración en la Conferencia Anual de NAR
Como parte del premio, García Crespo recibió una subvención de $10,000 para su organización benéfica, lo que le permitirá continuar y expandir su impacto comunitario. Además, recibió publicidad nacional y local que ayudará a aumentar la visibilidad de sus esfuerzos filantrópicos. El premio fue presentado en una ceremonia especial durante la conferencia anual de NAR, celebrada frente a miles de profesionales inmobiliarios de todo el país.

Inspiración para la Comunidad de REALTORS&reg;
"Este reconocimiento no solo refleja mi pasión por el servicio comunitario, sino que también subraya la importancia de que todos en nuestra industria se comprometan con el bienestar de nuestras comunidades", mencionó Levy García Crespo durante la ceremonia de premiación. Su historia inspira a otros en la industria a buscar maneras de hacer una diferencia significativa en sus propias áreas.

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Un Futuro Brillante en el Servicio Comunitario<br />
Con el apoyo continuo de la NAR y la comunidad de bienes raíces, Levy García Crespo se compromete a seguir liderando y participando en iniciativas que beneficien a más comunidades en los próximos años.

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